Villa Horizon

Villa Horizon

Goc, Vrnjci Spa

GPS coordinate:
N:430 33' 36''
E:200 50' 47''

Phone: +381 36/641-550
Cell: +381 63/605-305

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Welcome in Alpin Ethno Restaurant

Alpin Ethno House HORIZONT is placed on the top of Goc mountain, which altitude is 1100 meters, only 12 km away from Vrnjci Spa.

The whole object is made of innate elements: wood, stone and brick, and it is ornamented with a few centuries old displays.

The Aim of this concept is that we should go back to our roots, just for a short period of time, to feel the small piece of the atmosphere, of the Serbian household, to remember the times in which people would sit on their tripod by the fire, drink brandy, eat cream with hot bread baked in kitchen stove whereas every single guest was welcomed with a smile and immediately served with unforgettable jam and water, just to freshen up.

You can experience going back to tradition and nature, with the hospitality of the homelike place, with the mountain restaurant "HORIZONT".

We can arrange excursions to nearby places, monasteries.

Available free WiFi service.

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